Mitsubishi Motors Vietnam


Impressive Japan – professional and quality

Dealer Group of Mitsubishi Motors Vietnam (MMV) has the opportunity to return to Japan during the Conference Agent – 2017. A trip to a country not renowned technology – products, but also known for its tingle human values ​​- traditional culture impressive.

Following the schedule, the first day to visit the factory of Mitsubishi Okazaki (Mitsubishi Motors Japan), for many dealers of MMV, this is probably the first time been introduced and witnessed the production process modernization launched cars are of high quality Mitsubishi exported around the world.

Cars are a valuable asset, but if you know it is produced elaborately how complex and surely you will find its value is greater than multiplied. We have endless admiration for the robot arm to work briskly and extreme precision, coupled with the continuous motion lines regularly. Well, it might be said to be impressed with the human mind is true, they can create technology process manufacturing assembly so modern.

Repertoire “most unusual”, which is part look at the actual test center for testing safety / crash – Crash Test. Food is interesting, to know this is probably the first time MMC allows delegation visited Mitsubishi Dealer Direct “repertoire” is. Character this time testing the new coupe model – SUV Eclipse Cross , are working hard to the wall with a lopsided angle speed 48km / h. All the preparations are complete seriousness, we suspense vehicles rushed, then startled startled when his car crashed heavily in the walls create loud noise, and finally we were emotionally torn when tests experiment ended with the airbag being extracted, the front end side collision distorted & wreckage with debris but absorb impact energy to protect the optimum amount of space in the cabin.

It is known to have been moments of collisions as a percentage seconds like this, the cost of preparing no less than $ 200,000 / attempts. According to the explanation of one engineer in charge here are the stages very important to ensure that each product Mitsubishi offered are capable of optimal protection for passengers in the car, even if the total cost of test security full-collision for each vehicle are in US $ Million.

Real experience at the Test Center Safety – collision has consolidated fully confidence to our product quality cars Mitsubishi that the agents we are providing to customers Vietnam: Durable – Reliable – Safety.

At the center of research and new product development (R & D), we’re honored to see two completely new models will be introduced Mitsubishi Motors in the near future. Taking the headset main Engineers design team presentation next to the samples, we can feel not only the value of the huge investment of Mitsubishi, but also the passion – professional whose members Team R & D has invested – polished for the “child” of his. Factory Mitsubishi Okazaki is also the provider model Mitsubishi Outlander to customers everywhere, every stage and processes are implemented and controlled adjustment cycle – professional to ensure each product is distributed every world with the quality of Japan’s leading!

Pictures in Mitsubishi factory in Japan experience journey

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